life sucks............... but somehow it''s worth it
Shhhh, don't let God hear you say that
WE all get frustrated, have things that suck in our life but God sucks it all up, with His way of doing things in our life, through our faith in Him. Phil. 3:8 is a great verse, the gist of it I read is this, by 'faith in Him, one gains Christ.' Now, this is a peace to our life here on Earth, especially for we Christians ! We who believe in God's way for our life, who have chosen Him in our life for ALL of our life and who's one moment in time accepting Him was special, indeed, quite likely, 'tear' special
We realized that ALL we did that was not good all our life, all our wrong things done, are COVERED by the blood of Christ, that God's grace covers us and all we are to do is go forward the rest of our life, as perfect as we can go, which He will lead us to "be ye perfect as He is perfect.' We are not perfect nor ever gonna be but we are His and His power in us, His indwelling Spirit inside us, living , breathing, acting, showing, and, growing us will be such a great breath for us to breathe, when we suck Him in, to our life, to our direction we want to go, letting Him lead us everywhere we go
We reclaim our simpler days of our past by realizing that He is our future, not to mention, our present, and, yep, He also was right there in our past, watching us fail before coming to Him, drawing us in, waiting, waiting, for us to pass a point in life that we could become one of the 'many' who've chosen Him as personal Lord and Saviour of LIFE !
Be of good cheer, for in this world we will experience trials, tribulations, in this cold, bitter place, that is not our home, but He will get us all through our troubles, not necessarily make us not go through those troubles--remmeber, God took Moses and co. THROUGH the red sea, not around it

--- He has overcome all that's in the world and wants us to be in it, not of it, and, letting His Love shine through to others wherever He leads. The Lord leads (us all) .