I got an island for my kitchen, I found it at clearance price at one of the odd lot stores that are sort of like a perpetual rummage sale. I got it because I needed counter space, and I had "cake stuff" in mind for the cabinet storage that was one of its features. So, I put baking stuff in it and kind of pushed it up against the wall where it stayed for a while because I really did need it so much, after all. So it wasn't really an island but just a peninsula that I would put things on so that they were out of the way. But then, I found a stand mixer on clearance at Macy's and it took up more counterspace...and I had nowhere to roll out the dough that I was now capable of mixing hands free so, I rearranged the kitchen so that the island was actually an island and now I can make cakes
and cookies that call for rolling out, with my rolling pin that just had been just getting in the way when I was looking for a ladle or tongs...
Anyway, chef often expressed concern that, when I would rearrange things at work, I thought I was at home and I would answer, "I might as well be, k" but now, when I'm home I think, "k, this could well be work..." Would anyone be interested in buying some cookies?