Welll..., today is my birthday, and this is a good story for a birthday. Some time ago, I was in a hotel room and could not find a lady to share expenses, (however, I had honorable intentions and don't support premarital relations). A good Christian lady could have kept me out of trouble.
I don't support drinking of alcohol unless you have a proven track record of responsible moderation in a safe environment. For example, for pilots, I believe the rule is 8 hours from bottle to throttle, or something similar. And tests have shown that even one or two drinks can effect the driver's maximum performance, and could effect safety. This varies from person to person. And teens may not understand how alcohol effects their own reactions and behavior. Once in high school, I drank alcohol without experiencing the effects, and almost caused an accident since I was driving a higher powered car than I was used to, and was impaired without realizing it.
I don't drink excessively these days, but some time ago, I had more than my usual limit of two drinks. I had come out of the shower, and decided that since it was 3:00 AM or so, and no one appeared to be up in the hotel or driving by, that it might be fun to walk down to the lobby and get some coffee. This is why a single guy should not drink alone without a lady. But, it was fun anyway.
And pretty harmless, but also an example of how alcohol can effect behavior.