my kinda topic. As a kid we had almost everything. From dogs, cats, and horses, to rabbits, ferrets and even a racoon. Birds, fish ECT....
I now have two dogs. Both large breed. My male is very protective and loving with me. My Female the largest (super sized) is my big girl. She has a strong bond with me, and yes is protective. When she was a little pup, she had big dog syndrome. 😏 She would be in the yard with me, if someone came walking down the side walk she would run to the edge of the side walk and bark her little head off. ( keep in mind for a little pup she had a deep bark) 😀. My male loves to play. He will play fetch and tug-a-war. He will put the ball in your hand. My Female she just takes off with it. She don't get the concept. Both bring me great joy. Both are house dogs and very well behaved. I train my animals. They even obey commands like scoot over 😁. They do have a large yard to play in. And I built them a dog house in case weather change and I left them in the yard.
They truly love me and I am their alpha. They enjoy being with me. Merc will actually pout if I tell her to get down. They both were rescue dogs. Merc a pup and Teddy 1.5 yrs when I adopted him. I needed them and they needed me. See I had not had a dog since I had to put my German Shepherd down from cancer. 2012. I was to close to her. A friend suggested I get a dog and I came across Teddy at the rescue shelter. No one wanted the poor guy. I can honestly say, I have no clue why. Since I adopted him, I have had no trouble. He is well mannered house broke, only destroys his toys, he does try pulling on the leash, but he is half husky and when he is told the rules he chills. Even sits at intersections before crossing.
Merc, I seen her pic and drove an hour one way to get her. She's my girl. What can I say. 😏