So sorry. Typo..meant to say "social BLENDER"..lol
I see my self as a introvert that sometimes becomes a "social chameleon". If people around me are quiet and minding their own business, I do so also. If the people around me are more upbeat and social, I will also become like that. If the people around me have a sense of humor and are laughing, I join in no problem.
I can be very quiet (except for my constant whistling), or when I am around a group of friends or people I know fairly well, I start making funny noises and car sounds (um yeah I'm 19; sounds a lot more embarrassing when I type it out). I actually find that I enjoy just acting how I want in front of people, but I have to know them.
I am a over-analyzer, so when I am left to myself, I start thinking about situations that may arise in the future and try to formulate the best decision possible, taking into account every single detail (which is mentally taxing after a while) which may be why I am less of an introvert now compared to my earlier years. Really need to practice putting that "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow" verse into practice.
I can be very quiet (except for my constant whistling), or when I am around a group of friends or people I know fairly well, I start making funny noises and car sounds (um yeah I'm 19; sounds a lot more embarrassing when I type it out). I actually find that I enjoy just acting how I want in front of people, but I have to know them.
I am a over-analyzer, so when I am left to myself, I start thinking about situations that may arise in the future and try to formulate the best decision possible, taking into account every single detail (which is mentally taxing after a while) which may be why I am less of an introvert now compared to my earlier years. Really need to practice putting that "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow" verse into practice.
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