Okay so I looked up the definition of Occult and and its def is far more expansive than I thought supernatural, mysticism, necromancy, Witchcraft, Sorcery, magical powers etc. Its incredibly broad and can easily cover almost any anime, book, video game (and even some of my own books and comics) that I have interest in.....sooo I guess the question is whats the biblical term of it and what are (if they are any) exceptions...because I am at a point where I am losing sanity fast and I literally cant do anything (Including reading the Bible) without going insane. If its the same definition and so incredibly broad I literally have no hobbies
As for being bored and losing sanity, you might not know this but the root word for entertain means " to hold together/ support" and the word "ment" means mind (a very old-school word that has had its definition changed for specific reasons)(if you wanna see something funny ask a Spanish speaking person to say the word "mind" for you in Spanish.) (the English language is deceptive and filled with blatant curses and snares if you were to sit down and break some words down to their roots... )
But anyways, the real question is what mind is wanting to be supported/ held together?.. It could be the old man's mind, that old way of thinking. We are called to be renewed in the spirit of our minds.
I have a different approach you could try if you must "do" something. How about using entertainment to support and renew your mind to who you are in Christ. You say you like to draw comics, make them about who you are in Christ, and who He says that you are. You like to make card games? Make card games about it. Make your own content based on what Christ says you are in Him. Listen to music that affirms this belief as well. Watch videos and testimony of Christ. Also ignore other content, and anything that would cause you to deviate from your identity in Him. Dumb things down, make them ridiculously simple to what He says it is, and don't seek to add anything else. Over complication is counterproductive. Avoid others interpretations of what Christ says, and only focus on what He says means to you. People talk way too much, and they get in the way of the pure simple gospel.
Get into the word, make it a lifestyle. Be who Christ says you are. Affirm what He says by just living it, and from that identity you will begin to change your habits and hobbies. To just go about trying to change them without focusing that identity in Him first is nothing
more than behavior modification.
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