The way i write is essential to my life. I was told once that i wear my heart on my sleeve.
Which is a very odd term to me but oh well.
Anyway, in my writting i write what i feel that God is speaking and i add a bit of myself to it along side of a life lesson ans Biblical truths.
My posts are always open for discussions and always had been. To discuss meaning how u feel about it along side of how u view it.
I do not open that door for judgment upon myself. If u get confused by my words please ask and not belittle.
Not wveryone will of course.
I write to help people, my ministry is soley base kn tbat fact. And it is always acailavle for feedback emotions and truth.
Its not all about me, its not all about you, it is aboht us all as we are all united in Christ Jesus.
Many people have it wrong they just give advice and gain that dollar.
But me? Money is no objext to me except when im hungry lol fat boy hasta eat ya know?
But i always get provided for.
God gave me a talent and many talens upon it. And i plan to use them to bring only Him glory.
So my writtings are freelanced, and never to be sold. Best believe if i find they being printed and sold without my permission i do have a lawyer thru work 🙃😁😏
Its to be free and free is shall stay