Happiness is about mental disposition and how we decide to approach daily life more than anything. What is "happy"? Is it waking up singing like Cinderella? Is it simply contentment? Is it being grateful to God? I think this has little to do with gender or being single/married, although a supportive spouse can help. But so can a cat. I will go ahead and say that cats help my mental health and my attitude towards my day more than my husband, although he's of course infinitely more important to me than cats (and I'd save him first out of a fire, to make that clear). The cats make me calmer and more responsible without adding pressure by their very presence. First of all, my day begins better, I feel a lot better about waking up to a little paw compared to an annoying alarm. They regulate me emotionally, so I feel consistently calmer when they are around. Surround yourself with what you want to be. They help motivate me when I am depressed and have zero motivation, I feed them first, and I continue with housework and crafts from there to get some things done, then at the end of the day I might not feel happy but at least I feel at peace. In absence of overt "happiness" in the sense of mild euphoria I have learned to appreciate and be content with other feelings like peace and calm.
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