I would have to wholeheartedly agree with this. My mother even told my first serious boyfriend (high school) that I am something only a mother can love.

Thanks, Mom! Lol.
In all seriousness, I haven't replied to this thread except when summoned on purpose.
Kinda has posted many, many times in several of the many, many of the threads I've written over the years that he absolutely hates threads about relationships, and that's kind of my gig here. He'll often write something like, "Oh great, yet ANOTHER thread about relationships, just what we all want to talk about!" Lol! And that's perfectly fine because we're all different. But I certainly can't see myself not talking about relationships in the near future, so we all gotta do what we each gots to do.
So I've stayed away from this thread and would also keep my distance from any Lounge Forum he would have simply out of respect for kinda's wishes to avoid any and all talk about relationships -- because chances are, I would probably somehow gravitate back towards that subject. It just seems to be how I'm built, because that's what most people talk to me about -- even when I'm not in one myself.
A long time ago, a Singles Forum regular at the time wrote and told me that the threads here in Singles were what kept him going. This was back when CC was a lot busier than it is now, somewhere around 2015. He said that everyday he would come to Singles and look for new threads to answer, because that interaction was getting him through each day. I've never forgotten that, or how the interaction in the threads can mean a world of difference to people without us knowing. And it's one of the reasons why I keep writing threads, though at a much slower pace, due to the busy-ness of real life.
But I've always promoted that the forum is plenty big enough for people to carry on about each of their own topics that interest them in their own space, and it's a very healthy thing that different people want to talk about different things.
So, I'll stick to talking about things that interest me, even if that means mostly covering The Most Dreaded And Disgusting topic of relationships, heh.
And it's good to see a wide enough space for others to talk about what they want to discuss, especially for those who want to take a break from, or wish to completely avoid discussions about relationships altogether.
Best wishes to the new lounge!