I don't know, do youπ€?
Only you and God would know the answer to that GG...unless you sold your answer to The Enquirer, then bored people in the checkout line would know tooπ.

Enquirer you say? You mean the publication where anything it prints is "truth" hmmmm

Lil sis could get into a whole lotta trouble here or cause a whole lotta trouble......
*picks up phone "Hello? Enquirer? Do I have a story for you! So there's this forum website, the CC and on it is this Wookie, BBG.....
and well you are NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE what he said but didn't actually say.........
What was it you ask? Oh um..... I dunno, I'd have to scroll back and and find out the true context that it was used in..............
ahhhh, never mind I don't have time for this......."