<<<says in a Siri sounding voice : "Ok. Here is what I found on how long to it will take to train your carrier pigeons...
How long would it take me to train a carrier pigeon to bring me M&Ms?
I would like to train a pigeon to repeatedly fly back and forth between my home and my office, bringing me one dark chocolate M&M with each trip. The one-way distance is about 13 miles by road, and approximately 9-10 miles as the crow (or pigeon, haha) flies. How long should I expect to have to train it?
Also, would I be able to use the robin who built a nest on my gutter downspout for the same purpose?
Somebody mentioned that carrier pigeons are extinct. I believe the extinct variety is the Passenger Pigeon. You're welcome.
How long would it take me to train a carrier pigeon to bring me M&Ms?
12 Answers
Lv 6
1 decade ago
Best Answer
Dark Chocolate M&Ms are THE BEST. 
I think the training should go fairly quickly, as pigeons are predisposed to such behavior.
I don't think it would take more than a few weeks to perfect the pigeon's methods and speed.
I think that the pigeon would do a better job than the robin, unless you really want to snack and have both birds tote the robin's nest full of M&Ms to you all at once.