And before you say anything GG, I will save you some typing.
Yes, we typed when you signed off. This caused you problems in the following ways:
You felt Compelled (for whatever reason) to read all _____ input number of pages we all chatted to the left of the blank space. How dare we. We are horrible and should have been sent to bed with supper, but instead, were left to run ramped on this site.
Two: you should have been left to win. We kept posting (please see above) , thus stealing your victory from you, even after you dusted that spot on the mantle before going to bed to place your trophy on.
Now, I would like to say that I loved every minute of it. Not because it kept you from winning and you felt the need to go through a whole bottle of visine reading all of this. But because there are some fun and intresting people on here. So, I hope this keeps you from having to do any un necessary typing, keeping your insurance rates down due to carpel tunnel and allows you the freedom to just jump in and start off typing for the day.
May you have a most spectacular day and many blessings upon you, your family and all those who might have gotten a smile, laugh or at the very least a smirk (while rolling the eyes , of course...).
Be blessed all🤗 <<<one sized fits all hug, size xxxxxxl.