Discussion Ideas/Helpful Information:
1. Name/What You Want to Be Called:
2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate? Near ATL, Ga...most certainly, I like being new places. A time may come to "settle" but it makes sense to be married before that.
3. Number of Children: Zero. I am interested certainly... in fact, depending on the direction, children as a ministry sounds great. Foster home, Children's camp directors...something along those lines. If not, a hand in children's ministry somewhere.
4. Pets (what kinds and what are their names?):
None at present, I only had a cat when I was 6 and my mother ran over it and then a Gerbil at my dad's house (who had albinism and escaped somehow, it's an odd story)...I have had many "auxiliary" pets (owned by family) that I've stewarded...oftentimes simply because they didn't and it seemed right, but a chore. I like animals quite a lot and would love to have many animals (not precisely pets) but it would need to be the right setting. It'd be a longish discussion but I would say I'm more "Native American" when it comes to animals, so each one is different. I can't begin to explain that without sounding really new-agey, but some dogs I love and they feel like my friend and some feel like "bad content" and they put me in a foul mood. Some people think I love dogs and some think I despise them. It depends on who you talk to and which dog. Cats...err...I haven't met I cat I didn't like...I have more patience due to the inability to bark though to be fair.
5. How Long Have You Been Saved? Church Denomination, if you care to share?
One of my earliest memories was asking Jesus into my heart. I don't want to get emotional right now, but yeah it's been a lifelong thing. Denominationally? hmm, I'd say mostly baptist, AG/CoG, non-denom...with a smattering of other stuff. I like to think there's a believer in every local church if that makes sense. I've connected with people across denominations often enough...there are some that I seem unable to.
6. Looking For Friendships or Romance, or Both?
I've looked a lot of places, I can't see how one more place would hurt (well maybe a productive hurt).
7. Career, Hobbies, Interests? (Expand upon what you answered in the poll.)
I'm a fan of the Lord's handiwork...so things that he made? I'm sure we all are, but when I say "I like nature" everyone has an image that pops up most frequently. For me that's the forest, but staying in a tiny glass dome in Finland watching the aurora borealis is also nature. It's so varied and there are certain climes that unless we were on a mission I would probably pass on that "nature" is a bit vague. Or spending a bit of time nomading in the desert wouldn't be what most would consider "camping". I don't really know how to fish...I'd like to though. I have caught things and while I would enjoy a day long conversation about angling with someone that was willing to teach me I like watching them swim and swimming with them. When they are caught, if it's not for the purpose of food, then I don't see too much utility other than a survival skill in a pinch.
If I say I like animals...most people would presume pets (I hazard a guess at that at least). For the last few years I've been thoroughly interested in the DIY'itness of farm living. Even animal husbandry seems quite interesting but breeding doesn't come to mind for most I would guess.
Dabbling is an interest of mine or sampling if you prefer, so there isn't much that doesn't interest me to some extent. Even the way some are super absorbed and can knit for hours even if I don't find that fun, I find their interest in itself interesting because they were made that way...and of course on most things can be monetized and used for ministry, so simulating that is something of a pastime.
As far as tech is concerned. I was born into the tech era...so I presume that the Lord meant for me to use it. Caution must be exercised and discernment but I am a big fan of radio. It is likely that some sort of element of radio will be in my future in more than an observatorial capacity.
8. What Do You Have to OFFER Someone Else? (Whether a friend or a significant other -- why might they be interested in you?)
That's too vague methinks. What the Lord has gifted me to give others varies person to person...some people I legit don't feel like I have anything for...sometimes I'm wrong about that but it's like a trickle if I do find energy to expend and others it's like a torrent. It seems like it comes out of nowhere, but probably (indeed quite likely) that's the Spirit not me.
9. What Are You Looking For in A Friend and/Or Romantic Partner?
Agreement in spirit.
10. Do You Think You Could Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? Why or why not?
Not a big fan of Zombie simulations. I've had enough dreams about it (one was gruesome)... In one of them I was "essential" and my general ideas and knowledge were necessary and I had a place. I've lived it in nightmares, and this is bringing back a lot of long forgotten memories and forcefully repressed nonsense gore that was TWD. It took me about four seasons until I just wondered what I was even doing watching it. Zombieland I watched in college and I recall it having a few laughs but that's about it. I realize this is supposed to be lighthearted, but Zombie stuff isn't appropriate christian fare. I do get that many of you haven't had in your face dreams about how sick some of this stuff really is, but there isn't a window I can look through in a dream. I'm in it (sometimes paralyzed) and I've had to have the Lord rescue me many times through prayer in a dream so I learned to just not watch anything I didn't want to dream about (which currently is everything).
Hope you all have fun with this! (I'll answer these questions myself in another post.)
It was fun...and though a bit heavy for me at the end unexpectedly, I still liked it.
Can't wait to see your answers.
1. Name/What You Want to Be Called:
2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate? Near ATL, Ga...most certainly, I like being new places. A time may come to "settle" but it makes sense to be married before that.
3. Number of Children: Zero. I am interested certainly... in fact, depending on the direction, children as a ministry sounds great. Foster home, Children's camp directors...something along those lines. If not, a hand in children's ministry somewhere.
4. Pets (what kinds and what are their names?):
None at present, I only had a cat when I was 6 and my mother ran over it and then a Gerbil at my dad's house (who had albinism and escaped somehow, it's an odd story)...I have had many "auxiliary" pets (owned by family) that I've stewarded...oftentimes simply because they didn't and it seemed right, but a chore. I like animals quite a lot and would love to have many animals (not precisely pets) but it would need to be the right setting. It'd be a longish discussion but I would say I'm more "Native American" when it comes to animals, so each one is different. I can't begin to explain that without sounding really new-agey, but some dogs I love and they feel like my friend and some feel like "bad content" and they put me in a foul mood. Some people think I love dogs and some think I despise them. It depends on who you talk to and which dog. Cats...err...I haven't met I cat I didn't like...I have more patience due to the inability to bark though to be fair.
5. How Long Have You Been Saved? Church Denomination, if you care to share?
One of my earliest memories was asking Jesus into my heart. I don't want to get emotional right now, but yeah it's been a lifelong thing. Denominationally? hmm, I'd say mostly baptist, AG/CoG, non-denom...with a smattering of other stuff. I like to think there's a believer in every local church if that makes sense. I've connected with people across denominations often enough...there are some that I seem unable to.
6. Looking For Friendships or Romance, or Both?
I've looked a lot of places, I can't see how one more place would hurt (well maybe a productive hurt).
7. Career, Hobbies, Interests? (Expand upon what you answered in the poll.)
I'm a fan of the Lord's handiwork...so things that he made? I'm sure we all are, but when I say "I like nature" everyone has an image that pops up most frequently. For me that's the forest, but staying in a tiny glass dome in Finland watching the aurora borealis is also nature. It's so varied and there are certain climes that unless we were on a mission I would probably pass on that "nature" is a bit vague. Or spending a bit of time nomading in the desert wouldn't be what most would consider "camping". I don't really know how to fish...I'd like to though. I have caught things and while I would enjoy a day long conversation about angling with someone that was willing to teach me I like watching them swim and swimming with them. When they are caught, if it's not for the purpose of food, then I don't see too much utility other than a survival skill in a pinch.
If I say I like animals...most people would presume pets (I hazard a guess at that at least). For the last few years I've been thoroughly interested in the DIY'itness of farm living. Even animal husbandry seems quite interesting but breeding doesn't come to mind for most I would guess.
Dabbling is an interest of mine or sampling if you prefer, so there isn't much that doesn't interest me to some extent. Even the way some are super absorbed and can knit for hours even if I don't find that fun, I find their interest in itself interesting because they were made that way...and of course on most things can be monetized and used for ministry, so simulating that is something of a pastime.
As far as tech is concerned. I was born into the tech era...so I presume that the Lord meant for me to use it. Caution must be exercised and discernment but I am a big fan of radio. It is likely that some sort of element of radio will be in my future in more than an observatorial capacity.
8. What Do You Have to OFFER Someone Else? (Whether a friend or a significant other -- why might they be interested in you?)
That's too vague methinks. What the Lord has gifted me to give others varies person to person...some people I legit don't feel like I have anything for...sometimes I'm wrong about that but it's like a trickle if I do find energy to expend and others it's like a torrent. It seems like it comes out of nowhere, but probably (indeed quite likely) that's the Spirit not me.
9. What Are You Looking For in A Friend and/Or Romantic Partner?
Agreement in spirit.
10. Do You Think You Could Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? Why or why not?
Not a big fan of Zombie simulations. I've had enough dreams about it (one was gruesome)... In one of them I was "essential" and my general ideas and knowledge were necessary and I had a place. I've lived it in nightmares, and this is bringing back a lot of long forgotten memories and forcefully repressed nonsense gore that was TWD. It took me about four seasons until I just wondered what I was even doing watching it. Zombieland I watched in college and I recall it having a few laughs but that's about it. I realize this is supposed to be lighthearted, but Zombie stuff isn't appropriate christian fare. I do get that many of you haven't had in your face dreams about how sick some of this stuff really is, but there isn't a window I can look through in a dream. I'm in it (sometimes paralyzed) and I've had to have the Lord rescue me many times through prayer in a dream so I learned to just not watch anything I didn't want to dream about (which currently is everything).
Hope you all have fun with this! (I'll answer these questions myself in another post.)
Can't wait to see your answers.
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