Ok, and now for a list of questions and ideas to help get us talking to each other. Please do not feel pressured -- I know that for many people, shyness and not knowing what to say can be a crippling fear, so if you see something on this list you're not sure how to answer, just condense your reply into a few descriptive words.
For example, if asked how you feel about something, instead of giving a long explanation (which people are welcomed to do), others might just to just describe their feelings in a few word: "Cautious, but open-minded."
These are only suggestions. You can copy, paste, and answer as few or as many as you'd like, or just say what you'd like to say without using any of these ideas at all.
That's why this is the Do-It-Yourself Thread -- you get to choose what you want to do! Feel free to add or subtract as many topics as you want.
Discussion Ideas/Helpful Information:
1. Name/What You Want to Be Called:
2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate?
3. Number of Children:
4. Pets (what kinds and what are their names?):
5. How Long Have You Been Saved? Church Denomination, if you care to share?
6. Looking For Friendships or Romance, or Both?
7. Career, Hobbies, Interests? (Expand upon what you answered in the poll.)
8. What Do You Have to OFFER Someone Else? (Whether a friend or a significant other -- why might they be interested in you?)
9. What Are You Looking For in A Friend and/Or Romantic Partner?
10. Do You Think You Could Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? Why or why not?
Hope you all have fun with this! (I'll answer these questions myself in another post.)
Can't wait to see your answers.
(Helpful tip for newcomers: When looking at the poll, click on the blue numbers to be able to see who answered which selections.)
If you have any questions about how to participate, post, etc., just ask, and we'll try to help as much as we can.
For example, if asked how you feel about something, instead of giving a long explanation (which people are welcomed to do), others might just to just describe their feelings in a few word: "Cautious, but open-minded."
These are only suggestions. You can copy, paste, and answer as few or as many as you'd like, or just say what you'd like to say without using any of these ideas at all.
Discussion Ideas/Helpful Information:
1. Name/What You Want to Be Called:
2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate?
3. Number of Children:
4. Pets (what kinds and what are their names?):
5. How Long Have You Been Saved? Church Denomination, if you care to share?
6. Looking For Friendships or Romance, or Both?
7. Career, Hobbies, Interests? (Expand upon what you answered in the poll.)
8. What Do You Have to OFFER Someone Else? (Whether a friend or a significant other -- why might they be interested in you?)
9. What Are You Looking For in A Friend and/Or Romantic Partner?
10. Do You Think You Could Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? Why or why not?
Hope you all have fun with this! (I'll answer these questions myself in another post.)
Can't wait to see your answers.
(Helpful tip for newcomers: When looking at the poll, click on the blue numbers to be able to see who answered which selections.)
If you have any questions about how to participate, post, etc., just ask, and we'll try to help as much as we can.
1. Deborah/Deb/and close friends call me Debs
2. British Columbia, Canada
3. One amazing, kind hearted, son. He is someone I not only love, but really like. He's almost finished university and I am excited for his future.
4. One dog, Bella, who has just confirmed to me that I have no business trimming anyone's bangs, even hers. Oops.
5. I grew up in a Baptist home, was baptized at 14 because I believed. I'd always known God's presence but there was still an emptiness. It wasn't until we moved to the west coast that I ended up in a youth group that showed me a love that broke my heart. I learned about lordship. I went from asking Jesus into my heart to giving him my heart. They loved me and loved each other and that was worth so much more than a world of preaching. I knew the scriptures. I believed. I think I lived a fairly obedient life but this is where things blew open with my faith. I went to a Christian university and learned that God wasn't impressed by how I planned to serve but who I was with him. For me, my faith journey is really my life story. There is so much I've learned along the way. Belief and commitment were only the door through. The really awe inspiring lessons came after. I am so grateful.
6. Friendship is an incredible gift and it is essential. It grows based on trust, honesty, effort and a mutual caring for the other person's best. It is the foundation of a real romance. I have no idea if there would be someone out there for me but I am open to love.
7. Oh goodness. Workwise I was a medical social worker. Volunteer work has always been part of my life and I knew I wanted to help people but I didn't know how. I remember reading that 1 in 6 verses in the bible says to help the poor, the orphans, the elderly, and those in distress. There are a lot of directives to work for justice for these people and to care for them. I worked with street kids and helped in downtown outreaches. Medical social work was really my calling. I did a lot of work in special care (premature births) and maternity (the things that went wrong). It was a sacred trust and I am thankful for that time in my life.
Being a mom has been a huge part of my life and in the last many years I've worked in TV and movies doing background and a few acting roles. I've also been writing, transitioning from non-fiction to fiction and have just started to publish some tiny pieces. I also have international students.
For hobbies, I love books, specifically sci fi, I make rugs, pine needle baskets, sculpt small figures, jewelry and I love travel. I've had some incredible adventures and learned to laugh at myself.
I'm not an athlete but I've I'm good for some hiking/exploring and swimming.
I love the ocean and am always hunting for sea glass or taking pictures. I am laid back, humour is essential. I take others seriously, and myself not at all.
8. This is a hard one because it seems immodest. Honestly my loyalty, humor, patience, sense of fun, friendship, creativity, sincere listening and faith. I am gentle in my honesty and I will guard their heart. I know my pros and cons, who I am and I have peace. Did I mention I can cook? lol
9. Honesty (tactful) and open. It all comes down to attitude of the heart. A great relationship is where each person is looking out for the best for the other person. Power struggles only build walls. I want someone who is comfortable in who they are in Christ and who they are as a man. They have to be able to see the humour in life. I grew up watching M.A.S.H. and reading Far Side cartoon so if that sort of humour doesn't work for you I'm not your gal. I want to be able to be able to be quiet together, beachcomb, enjoy time on the porch or visiting with neighbours. They need to be kind, and willing to lend a hand if an elderly neighbour needs it. I like great discussion and ideas are fun to explore. They can't be threatened by a woman who can think, or take it personally if they bring up a different perspective. Respect is everything.
10. Absolutely. I live in Canada. No one knows where we are. Did you watch the movie "Independence Day?" Did you see Canada get blown up? No. Why? Even the aliens didn't know about us. If our capital cities were bombed, no one would recognize the landmarks? It is perfect. The zombies would get to the border, scratch their heads, shrug and turn around. Failing that, according to Max Brooks, in his zombie survival guide, they can't handle the cold. Where I live doesn't get really cold but let's just keep that as our little secret.
As to the add on questions, I am a woman, just in case the photo didn't tip you off and I'm 55.
P.S. even though I did a quick proofread I apologize in advance for any typos.
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