Congrats on your new marriage!!
That's so awesome to hear -- gives hope to the rest of us! And even if we don't get married, it's nice to hear from people who can give us singles useful advice.
Sounds like an amazing trip! And you don't have to apologize for derailing -- these threads are to help people get their thoughts out.
Ask any of the "regulars" here -- they'll tell you that I derail my own threads more than anyone else, so go right ahead.
Things have been ok. Just been going through some medical stuff... I don't usually post much about my private life but I am so thankful that I'm going to post this.
The doctors had to take care of some abnormal polyps I had -- but were able to confirm that I DON'T have cancer, as far as they can tell, as this is the second time this has happened. I was pretty stressed out for a while.
But I am ever so thankful, even more so to my parents, who helped me through recovery, and my chat friends, who listened to me blather on the entire time (when I get stressed, I tend to write a lot), even when I was sick and grumpy.

(Who am I kidding, that's me most of the time...)
Hope to see you around more, Mike! And Mrs. Mike as well.