For me, if you want to make a good impression please pay for our date

it is not because I can't pay for myself or for both of us...but because it is a gentleman's act. It is a biggest turn off for me if the man will ask me to split the bill...for sure I will share or even pay for the meal but sorry there will be no next time.
When me and my ex travelled we shared... He told me that he will goin to pay and didn't want me to share. He paid for the plane tickets,and accommodations...but I paid for our food and other expenses like travel guides,bus,boats etc) but most of the time he ended up paying for our meals

He insisted always. I reciprocated his chivalry by giving him things like souvenirs etc. and taking care of his things

For me it is not about money...not about how much money you are willing to spend...Our dates doesn't have to be expensive (you can take me out to eat street food I would love it yayy 😍 ) ...but how you made me feel special