Hi Charlie one idea. Put everyone’s name in a hat.
Then mix them all up and each child pulls out a name, include
yourself too. If they get their own name they have to put it back and
pick another.
They must not say whose name they got.
Then each child draws a nice picture and says something nice about the
person they picked and writes it down on the paper. They need to put
the person’s name at the top of the paper that they picked. You could give them examples
if they are not sure, like this person has a nice smile, that person looks nice today, that person
is kind, that person has a nice dog. That person said hello to me today, that person played
with me when I was feeling lonely. That person let me use their pen etc.
Then you take them home to check them just to be on the safe side and make
sure no one has been missed out. If any are a bit dodgy, then maybe you could
write out those ones!
Then the next day or when the class next meet up, hand them out to the child
named at the top of the papers. Sort of like a class team bonding exercise.
Then ask everyone how they felt at being complimented, did it make them feel good.
Isn’t it nice to know someone has something nice to say about you etc. DId it make
you feel good knowing you had said something nice about another pupil.
If you are aware of anyone who may not get on with someone else, maybe there
is a way you can fiddle it so that they don’t pick out each others names! Lol
Then mix them all up and each child pulls out a name, include
yourself too. If they get their own name they have to put it back and
pick another.
They must not say whose name they got.
Then each child draws a nice picture and says something nice about the
person they picked and writes it down on the paper. They need to put
the person’s name at the top of the paper that they picked. You could give them examples
if they are not sure, like this person has a nice smile, that person looks nice today, that person
is kind, that person has a nice dog. That person said hello to me today, that person played
with me when I was feeling lonely. That person let me use their pen etc.
Then you take them home to check them just to be on the safe side and make
sure no one has been missed out. If any are a bit dodgy, then maybe you could
write out those ones!
Then the next day or when the class next meet up, hand them out to the child
named at the top of the papers. Sort of like a class team bonding exercise.
Then ask everyone how they felt at being complimented, did it make them feel good.
Isn’t it nice to know someone has something nice to say about you etc. DId it make
you feel good knowing you had said something nice about another pupil.
If you are aware of anyone who may not get on with someone else, maybe there
is a way you can fiddle it so that they don’t pick out each others names! Lol
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