Well have to say the short woman verses very very tall man was tested today.
We got a bad leak last night water dripping down the kitchen and pantry wall.
Plumber turned up today very very tall and he was clearly trying the chat me up. I think he confused my kindness at offering him a cuppa tea as something else. (That’s another thing why can’t you just be kind without people taking it as an invite to pull!).
In case you think I’m kidding he even suggested I might want to invite him around for another cuppa tea.
Anyway it tested out the short woman verses very very tall man theory!
But yeah why do men do that, confuse kindness with a chance to get in there!
We got a bad leak last night water dripping down the kitchen and pantry wall.
Plumber turned up today very very tall and he was clearly trying the chat me up. I think he confused my kindness at offering him a cuppa tea as something else. (That’s another thing why can’t you just be kind without people taking it as an invite to pull!).
In case you think I’m kidding he even suggested I might want to invite him around for another cuppa tea.
Anyway it tested out the short woman verses very very tall man theory!
But yeah why do men do that, confuse kindness with a chance to get in there!
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