I was not referring to kids but women are still just as bad as men. Yes men can be pigs but so can't women. People are wicked, sin is wicked. It isn't sex against sex, race against race, height against height, but a spiritual battle against sin. You want say women arent as bad as men, go to a female prison and see why they are locked up. I'm sorry but women are just as evil as men
Women are certainly just as depraved as men. That I agree.
However, even as unjust as American jurisprudence often is, it even recognizes the scope, the range of sins.
People often try to excuse their sins as minor to not warrant God's judgement. But they are condemned to hell for but one sin. Romans 6:23; Revelation 21:8
That is because they hope to get their based upon their self righteousness (OR Self plus Jesus). John 3:18
They remain condemned regardless of how moral they try to live, how many times they try to turn from their sins and commit their lives to the Lord.
So, yes that one sin brings condemnation as does faith in self reform. James 1:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
This is where pastors teach that false dogma from when they don't use context or the entire Bible for understanding
I heard that too, from a Calvinist pastor ( not to lump all into the same pile.)
There are however degrees of sin.
When you read the laws of God there are various punishments depending upon the crime. Theft requires restitution to the victim. If someone walks out of a store or someone's house with a coat, he is caught and not only returns the coat, but 4 more of same value. If that person kills someone to take their coat from them, then it's the death penalty.
Does that make sense?