So it looks like I never actually answered the original OP here. And I think the answer may get complicated so the short version is: I do what I can to make the most of the situations I find myself in in life, change what can be changed for the better, and enjoy it as much as possible. And my life has been one that is very fortunate / blessed so that hasn't been too difficult for me.
The longer version is something along the lines of even as a teen hitting puberty I always saw it as I've always been single and I'm getting along just fine and couldn't understand why I should or would suddenly feel the need to be coupled up with someone (or why so many people seem to think getting that must be your focus in life if you don't have it). As I've moved out on my own and not had the constant companionship of family, fellow students, or teammates that's changed a bit simply because too much time alone without anyone to talk to about personal stuff isn't good for even the most introverted introverts.
Mostly if I think about being single at all, I try to focus on the advantages of it: No one is complaining about my lack of house cleaning; I can make whatever food I want exactly the way I want to; never have to block out someone else's entertainment choices that I'm not interested in; can make plans and decisions quickly, without needing to check with anyone else first etc. Though I have one major frustration with singleness these days and that is it seems so much harder to form and connect with any community as a single than it does for couples and families. Not sure how accurate that perception is, but these days I find lack of community frustrating.