Coffee is the devil's brew. Tea is what us enlightened and holy folk drink with our desserts (or instead of if we're being especially holy and good on a particular day, you can get some nice dessert flavored teas).
Ice cream has to be pretty close to my #1 dessert, especially since it can go with other fancier desserts. Whipped cream (especially now that I've got my own whipped cream maker thing) is a close second and it really isn't dessert unless it has whipped cream on top.
I think I have to vote cake over pie which makes a good cheesecake or turtle pie the perfect compromise between those two. That or there's this cake batter ice cream they sell in pints at the store that is like cake and ice cream all together (and a cheaper option than an ice cream cake).
And I have a nice no added sugar cheesecake recipie for when I want the dessert but want to stay away from the sugar. That and a nice piece of dark chocolate (or a dark chocolate truffle) are the I can't give up dessert but want to try to be good about my desserts options.