They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
1 John 2:19
Liz, I believe I can relate to you on this. My heart actually hurts with you because I know what it feels like to really be genuinely interested in someone and the very next moment that person be a shadow or ghost to your very existence. I don't agree with that. Accountability these days seems to have gone completely out the window, Christian or not, and that's just sad. I had met a girl I was going to church with, and her name was Meagan, really sweet down to Earth person, and she seemed like a good hearted Christian woman. I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and we went out on a few dates, and we started to get to know each other, and saw each other at church. Next thing I know, she's no longer my friend on Facebook, and she has stopped coming to church, and when I tried to message her to reach out to her and see if she was ok, she had blocked me from contacting her on messenger. I asked around to a few friends, to maybe get some input on if I had said something wrong, or done something, but apparently she wasn't who I thought she was, and with some people, if you stand back and observe, it doesn't take long for their true colors to bleed through, Christian or not, but I will say this, if a person is in Christ, they are not going to conduct themselves in that manner, that would be the same thing as deception, and we know our Lord and Savior is not the author of that, and we are to walk in the light, as He is in the light. You sound like a very nice beautiful lady, and I truly admire that you are taking the initiative to live for Christ and not work the way the world does, partying, drinking, drugs, that's an honor and blessing! If you're ever looking for someone to chat with, I'm no stranger, I'll be more than happy to talk to you!