*everyone is at the dining table*
@CharliRenee ”well folks, let me say grace for us, okay”.
@cinder ”does anyone know if there’s a power port nearby? I want to charge this cheap tablet that my mother won at a raffle...”
@G00WZ ”Just be careful with those cheaper ones, they can easily blow a fuse”.
@Desdichado ”speaking of blowing up, did you know in WW2....”
@MegMarch ”ahhh, no - hold it right there Mr, we don’t want to hear a history lesson right now....”
@Desdichado ”you are so mean”.
@zeroturbulence ”someone pass me the ham please?”
@JustEli ”I’ve brought my own swiss knife to use, I’m too shy to use these cutlery”.
@Susanna ”speaking of knives, can anyone guess how many knives I am hiding under my bullet proof vest?”
@BenFTW *looks at Susanna* ”I think I’m in love” (lol).
@Mel85 ”well I know I’m in love with these donuts I’m about to eat”.
@seoulsearch ”I am really enjoying my time with you all! Y’all a great bunch!”
@BlessedByGod ”I know right, I just love the joy we have here!”
@Ruby123 ”does anyone wanna take some selfies with me in the photo booth?”
@Dino246 ”Yes maam

@IFOLLOWHIM ”I’ll be there shortly, just trying to win the “Last post wins” thread!”
@Poinsetta ”you read my mind!”
@BrotherMike ”sorry folks, as much as I am enjoying all this, I have to leave in a minute as I’ve got a 12 hour shift ahead of me

@calibob ”hey brother, I came in my motorcycle so if you need a ride....I gotchu!”
*everyone says cheers*