lol not really. I know why there like that though. Its difficult being a Christian I mean finding a girl attractive is fine but it can easily go to far Im going to be taking a long break from all anime soon so I can start going to Church and hopefully get close enough to God so it doesnt as easily effect me and I dont obsses over it and I can spend more time with him instead

.....oh and about the writing please message me more stuff about punctuation and such I could use it lol
Yeah, I know...anime is fine, I suppose. Just the obsession can be a know, too much as a Christian....and they're some things in anime that are not so edifying if you know what I mean. So, it's important to discern what to see/read/watch. But, you're a big know what to do

Just make sure it doesn't necessarily take the place of God in your heart....
And, girls being attractive and all...yeah, you've got it

and i get your point..but these days....the girls gotta change their ways sometimes smh
Yeah, I'll be sure checking on your punctuation...come to look at it....i need to examine your post....