The Baptist came out
All donned in white shirt and shorts
You'd think he was
One of the knights
On King Arthur's court
Then the Presby came out
In a polka dotted shirt
With stripped shorts
That look to have been
Mired in the dirt
The Baptist serves the tennis ball
With fervor and might
The Presby covers his head
And runs off in fright
The Baptist then smashes
Another serve the Presby's way
It was served with such wicked speed
It made the Presby's shorts
Look like he had just on himself peed
The bold Baptist sensing
The fear in his foe
Serves another tennis ball
That breaks 3 of the Presby's toes
When it ain't broke
Don't try to fix it
The next serve was so hard
It hit the net that it split
His second serve was
Served just as hard
That it made the Presby pass out
Like a drunken Picard
The Presby runs out
Of the stadium in fear
He leaves so fast
All the fans saw was his rear
So when a Baptist and Presby
Get into a tennis scratch
The ump will look to the Baptist
And loudly proclaim
"Game, set, match"
All donned in white shirt and shorts
You'd think he was
One of the knights
On King Arthur's court
Then the Presby came out
In a polka dotted shirt
With stripped shorts
That look to have been
Mired in the dirt
The Baptist serves the tennis ball
With fervor and might
The Presby covers his head
And runs off in fright
The Baptist then smashes
Another serve the Presby's way
It was served with such wicked speed
It made the Presby's shorts
Look like he had just on himself peed
The bold Baptist sensing
The fear in his foe
Serves another tennis ball
That breaks 3 of the Presby's toes
When it ain't broke
Don't try to fix it
The next serve was so hard
It hit the net that it split
His second serve was
Served just as hard
That it made the Presby pass out
Like a drunken Picard
The Presby runs out
Of the stadium in fear
He leaves so fast
All the fans saw was his rear
So when a Baptist and Presby
Get into a tennis scratch
The ump will look to the Baptist
And loudly proclaim
"Game, set, match"