This is what you people want?
People shooting each other.
People shooting each other.
I was at the 'Stop the Steal MARCH' in DC today... from 8:30am until 4:30pm... My guesstimate was hundreds of thousands of PEACEFUL PATRIOTS showed up to listen to speakers in front of the WH to include POTUS... Lots of patriotic music, and chants of USA! USA! The Mass marched PEACEFULLY to Capital Hill...
There were a handful of knuckleheads (read tiny fraction of the Marchers) who decided to break-in to the Capitol Building - the JURY is still out as to WHO those INSTIGATORS are/were...
Sound familiar? Sounds like when well intended BLM folks attended what they thought was going to be MOSTLY peaceful protests - only to have ANTIFA show up and instigate escalation of riots, violence and terrorizing our streets... "Is that what those (read you) people want?" Doesn't come across very well does it...
Someone remind me were there or were there not protesters in the Judge Kavanaugh Hearings - during Congress?
Answer to your Question: The MILLIONS of PATRIOTIC AMERICANS want a LEGITIMATE US DEMOCRACY and to ensure that someone - anyone STANDS UP to DEFEND OUR US CONSTITUTION!!!
Note: some rumors out there are that ANTIFA might even have infiltrated and instigated the breach... We just don't know - BUT it certainly is not US PEOPLE (majority of us Christian Patriots).
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