VAX THE BLACKS: Joe Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce member recommends withholding food stamps and rent assistance.
The sinister Biden administration is as usual throwing the useful idiot voting blocks under the bus. Biden is probably the most notorious racist in politics. Equaled only by Obama. Their BLM brownshirts likewise got the door slammed in their face. They both believe blacks to be far far beneath them.....Subhuman lab rats.
A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance. And in order to convince Black Americans to take the vaccines, influencers should be hired to brainwash Blacks with special compliance messages that are scientifically tested in social engineering focus groups. In other
obey or starve.
This is all contained in the report linked in this story, by the way. This is on top of another Biden taskforce member now calling for a 4-6 week national lockdown for all Americans — a kind of national economic suicide to finish off whatever small businesses might have survived the covid nightmare so far. This covid tyranny is
exactly what we’ve warned was coming: Lockdown tyranny and vaccine tyranny, enforced through a horrifying new “medical credit scoring” system that tracks your compliance with government mandates for vaccines, lockdowns and masks.
The taskforce member in question here is Luciana Borio, MD, the Vice President of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-linked propaganda front that uses social engineering tactics to enslave humanity. She’s listed as the top member of the “Working Group of Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccines” as described in
a document from the Center for Health Security, released in July of this year by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
A copy of this PDF has been saved at the Natural News servers, in case they try to take it down from its original location. The document says that federal agencies should collude to develop a “national promotion strategy” — which might as well be called a “national propaganda strategy” — for convincing people to take potentially dangerous and deadly covid-19 vaccines which have skipped any real rigorous testing.