here's a repost of my original post. tried to make a simple suggestion and the formatting police took over
never know when you are going to press a button and then wish you could take it back
The new deal was a bust. It's odd to me that you think Dems are "for the people" and Repbs. are for the rich. Bernie Sanders admits he made his fortune off of his book, capitalism, and says he won't apologize for it. The Obamas, the Clintons, Pelosi, et al, they are stinking loaded. And they did that through capitalism, and they know it. They are hypocrites. And when they implement socialism, they will be the ruling class. There will be the very poor and the very rich, no in between. Socialism doesn't work. It's been proven down through history. I'm sorry,sometimes issues are black and white, it's just that simple.
frankly I am continually abit taken aback by the numbers of people who go for that line. we see in the forums whenever there is a thread about money being the root of all evil etc etc...when it is the love of money. sure some people love their money but that does not quantify taking it away from them
it is hilarious and very wicked that the people pushing a globalist and communist agenda (because make no mistake socialism is a nice word for take it from those who got it and give to those who don't) have millions. they have no intentions of giving any of what they have away. many politicians have greatly benefitted from their position and not always legitimately either
without a doubt, (and here I am not, talking about forum members although I am sure some fit the profile) people with less generally want more and are envious of those who do have more. there are numerous reasons why some have less
however, we are no longer sending children to work in factories and some of the richest people in this country got to where they are simply by brain power and hard work. that is not a crime and whining about it and saying I want some is not a legitimate gripe
we all make choices all day long in fact and many would improve their lives by making better choices instead of griping about what others have
I could say so much more but my book is coming out just before Christmas (joking...there is no book...but I could write one
