This is also what i've been saying about your thinking.
I mean how?
So far we have spent 200 billion "selling" equipment in Ukraine.
When we sell equipment to Europe we are also wasting money.
For example there is an American base in Northern Italy.
US wanted Italy to buy planes and Italy didn't want them, but US insisted they buy planes even if they didn't want them for two reasons.
For military industrial complex to function and so they don't bleed any more money than they usually do on a daily basis.
I mean, why does the military pay $100 for a hammer when we can get it at HomeDepot for $10?
This is what Trump is trying to stop !
I don’t think you get the point.
I agree that overspending and corruption are major issues we have to address.
Unfortunately, we are not addressing those problems by pulling the plug.
Europe is like a bunch of kids who can’t be home alone. Before long they will burn down the house, both figuratively and literally, if we don’t maintain our presence there.
When that show is on you will find that the big, beautiful oceans between us and Europe/Asia will be shrinking by the day.
Someone ought to learn Trump how to cover his bases both politically and militarily before this thing goes south.