Even if it does work out there will still be alot of work to do. The effort of a real peace and not just a BS peace while less costly than war is still a mighty effort just like war, it takes much power of spiritual and secular forces to come together, high intelligence and real leadership. Praise Jesus for even just the opportunity in the first place, and really even moreso after Zelensky blew it hard and almost totally bungled the whole thing, getting a second chance then was even harder and more rare, so even just to get to this point now is a longshot miracle in itself, praise Jesus. Though Trump is a major player in this, now we see the diplomacy ball go into the court of Putin and Russia and while they have been pretty compliant so far, this is really going to be the test to see if a peace deal or even just the possibility of negotiations is feasible. Praise Jesus for these are blessings, but one does have to make the most of the blessings, can't take them for granted, but if we do take hold of the blessings and utilize them well Jesus will bless more, he will make a way through even seemingly impossible situations, praise Jesus.