Pretty sure you guys vote for him because he is whoever is in the red gang.
But the sentiment is that it is a shame on us as a nation that the sort of thing that went on last night is what passes for a debate between people poised to become the 'leader of the free world'
But the sentiment is that it is a shame on us as a nation that the sort of thing that went on last night is what passes for a debate between people poised to become the 'leader of the free world'
Just shows as a country how far we have fallen if this is the best we have to put on display. I did watch the debate and it was a shouting match with a little bit of information that I could catch that might be helpful to Americans to decide which way to vote. The president was constantly on the attach and Joe at least tried to look at the camera and talk to us and tried to say what he would do as the president kept right on shouting.
Name calling on both sides looked very childish for grown men trying to be president or become president of US. But then we also have a lot of name calling in the BDF so maybe not so much different than what Trump has exampled as president during his reign...
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