It is interesting that western nations allow something that the teachings are in contradiction to western law and western thought. May be a radical statement but as we see the results of Islamic ideologies mix into our Congress. It is quite evident that if we are not careful and better at assimilation then we will lose the Traditional American identity.
In my view neither the voter nor Congress can let themselves be ignorant of Islam's tenets.
I would never vote for a Muslim. Not because I'm "Islamophobic", which is a myth as currently applied in western nations, but because I know that Islam teaches the only oath a Muslim is bound to honor is that which makes them in service to Allah.
While they are able to take an oath otherwise , like that of public office, or when immigrating to a western nation, that's allowed under the tenets of Taqiyya.
If Ilhan Omar isn't a warning against Muslims being voted into our Congress or, GOD FORBID, the office of President, people just aren't paying attention.
Unfortunately, "Political Correctness", in my view rightly defined by the late, God rest him, George Carlin as, Fascism pretending to be manners, makes speaking the truth out to be intolerable and wrong. While putting one's head in the sand in order to tolerate what is otherwise intolerable, permissible.
It will all work out to teach us all a lesson. Whether we wake up or not. Get active and involved in the field of power and control that is the landscape of Politics. Or, if we allow ourselves to continually be distracted by programming on TV that implants dramatic emotions over nonsense, so that we carry that germ into our own lives and exchanges with one another, while abdicating personal privacy due to the ridiculous inducements of "social media", we won't wake up. Either way, we will ultimately have to face the lesson either fork in the road affords.
Career politicians exist because people vote for the name they're familiar with. How many actually review the record of that person before going to the polls? And who said it is carved in stone you have to vote your party only? But people do because partisan loyalty is often more important than the individual and national future those who pander to partisan loyalists will carve out if they're given one more chance. Again, and again, and again....
What really should make people think twice about being indifferent to politics, besides, the truism, the personal is political and the political is personal, is the fact that to install term limits Congress itself has to vote by 2/3rds majority to amend the Constitution to that effect.
I see that happening.
Yep. Nancy Pelosi, were she a younger woman, has to get a job after eight years. Chuck Schumer too. And then they have to live by the rules they passed while in office.
Yeah, any day now, that amendment is coming. I just know it.
But at least lets hope no one in NY's sixth Congressional district is blind enough to re-elect AOC.
SOBER UP PEOPLE! See what your hangover got you last time?

Seriously though.
Islamaphobic the fear of Islam. Sounds accurate to me. I fear Islam due to its destructive beliefs if actually carried out in action.
Homophobic? You best believe I fear the idealogy of the LGBT community.
They use these words to try and shut free speech down or opposing beliefs. But destructive beliefs should be feared as it can affect your life or the lives of your children.
Ilhan Omar is the perfect example of how Islam just isnt compatible to western law or beliefs.
It is very true and very sad that many people vote without even looking to see what the individual believes and their position on the issues. Or hear things like erasing the college debt and boom their mind stops right there and they begin to advocate for that individual.
Also unfortunately many dont care that these individuals have extreme unAmerican views because they have been taught to hate the foundation and traditional American beliefs. They see the current America as bad but promise their utopian dream can be achieved.
Term limits.... I wish lol but yes it would take the people to push this by forcing their congressional leaders to do so either by taking a vote in their homestate to remove the individual in less compliant or maybe some other legal way.
Dealing with AOC is just another example of how extreme idealogies if given power can cause so much confusion and destruction. The squad in general has done nothing but make noise and continually show us how far the progressives want to go.