Only the chumps still believe the election fraud lie. The lie being that Biden actually won the election.
And the thing is.......this makes both Biden and Harris criminals and liable for high crimes and misdemeanors and misprison of treason.
(1) We the People | Populism is Democracy 🇺🇸 on X: "@Rasmussen_Poll Trump won 2020 Biden won the fewest counties in history yet got the most votes in history Trump got 11 million MORE votes in 2020 than 2016 yet still "lost" Never happened before History = fraud. See also: the 2022 midterms when the Left didn't lose a senate seat. More history." / X

And the thing is.......this makes both Biden and Harris criminals and liable for high crimes and misdemeanors and misprison of treason.
(1) We the People | Populism is Democracy 🇺🇸 on X: "@Rasmussen_Poll Trump won 2020 Biden won the fewest counties in history yet got the most votes in history Trump got 11 million MORE votes in 2020 than 2016 yet still "lost" Never happened before History = fraud. See also: the 2022 midterms when the Left didn't lose a senate seat. More history." / X