I think it is good to do our daily duties, in our job, work etc, and also to take care of our spiritual lives, and Evangelize non-Christians in our free time, but over speculation on the end times is not great imo. I agree with Dr. William Craig on this:
Called, End Times Paralysis. He responds to an atheists criticism, but he also notes some interesting points:
End-Times Paralysis
February 15, 2021
"KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, with the pandemic and a crazy election, I think that end times fever has been at a real fever pitch. I was reading an article the other day about how crazy society got and how crazy things got when we turned to the year 1,000. People thought that that millennia was the end of the world; that there was something significant about the year 1,000. And en masse people gave away all their money, they sold their goods. It ruined the economy of villages. And then – boom – the year 1,000 occurred and nothing happened. Kind of like Y2K if you remember.
DR. CRAIG: Yeah, I remember.
KEVIN HARRIS: As we wrap this up today, is there room in all eschatological views for being positive and for keeping our hands to the plow and not becoming paralyzed or shut down like this guy says.
DR. CRAIG: Absolutely. Nobody can read the Sermon on the Mount and the ethics of Jesus and be lethargic about loving one's fellow man and being engaged. I love it when Jesus says to the disciples,
“Let us work while it is day, for night is coming when no man can work.” (cf. John 9:4)That drives me and motivates me in my own work. I thank God every day for one more day of life during which I can serve him, and I seek to do so with all of the energy that he inspires within me because someday night is coming when no man can work. So while it is yet day let us work and strive to do the work of the Lord with all of the zeal and commitment that he inspires in us.