In the old days most everyone grew gardens but the usa's waters became more and more polluted,they began telling people they couldn't use their water wells anymore and set up water depts. and so now in 2022 well...
In post #556 I mentioned the "punishment bill" which is the rate we pay if you go over X amount of gallons a month trying to water a garden or your lawn. So they've already got us because they took gardening at home out of the equation which takes away our ability to raise food(gardens,livestock ect.) It's really simple math I tried to water a 1500 square foot garden last month and after a 211 dollar h20 bill it's still dying. In the math it takes about 3 acres of good arable land to grow enough food for one person so how much to water 3 acres 3 or 4 thousand dollars? So it's not real for anyone to think that when that day comes and everyone is faced with farming for a living they will be able to do it.
The thread is "the shortage are you preparing?" and in all truth the ones who really are are the ones who already were. In the story of Joseph in Egypt there were 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. It's still the same story today as then in that those who canned the things they grew across the last 7 years have food to eat and those who didn't do not. Now my garden is drying up the same as everyone's but I'm no longer going to water this one. The farms are in a drought or not growing for one reason or another and their putting restriction devices on water hogs already ...So it's a done deal because they had everyone talk about solar panels and things to buy like Rambo and led them away from the very one thing that makes the food supply tick,,,,,water and how to irrigate enough land to live on.
In post #556 I mentioned the "punishment bill" which is the rate we pay if you go over X amount of gallons a month trying to water a garden or your lawn. So they've already got us because they took gardening at home out of the equation which takes away our ability to raise food(gardens,livestock ect.) It's really simple math I tried to water a 1500 square foot garden last month and after a 211 dollar h20 bill it's still dying. In the math it takes about 3 acres of good arable land to grow enough food for one person so how much to water 3 acres 3 or 4 thousand dollars? So it's not real for anyone to think that when that day comes and everyone is faced with farming for a living they will be able to do it.
The thread is "the shortage are you preparing?" and in all truth the ones who really are are the ones who already were. In the story of Joseph in Egypt there were 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. It's still the same story today as then in that those who canned the things they grew across the last 7 years have food to eat and those who didn't do not. Now my garden is drying up the same as everyone's but I'm no longer going to water this one. The farms are in a drought or not growing for one reason or another and their putting restriction devices on water hogs already ...So it's a done deal because they had everyone talk about solar panels and things to buy like Rambo and led them away from the very one thing that makes the food supply tick,,,,,water and how to irrigate enough land to live on.
They will come door to door to find people who are not jabbed with their tracking device, the Mark of the Beast.
If you go out into public they will see that you do not have a tracker on you and will pick you up.
There will be no way to hide from this and that is of God.
The only way to prepare for what is coming is to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and to walk in obedience to His word. The church will be raptured before the tribulation and there are some very interesting Biblical exegesis that say the tribulation begins this fall.
Those who are left behind are not right with the Lord. They will have to repent of that, get themselves right, and then go through the tribulation. Starving to death is not something that happens to the faithful believers of Jesus Christ. If you are a faithful believer who has gotten themself right with the Lord your destiny will probably be to be martyred because you refuse to take the mark of the Beast.
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