With all the data you have and report, what are you doing to prepare for the economic issues?
If you simply look at the economic data you would conclude that you need to go to silver and gold. That would make sense if this were ten years ago or twenty.
However, the word of God is the lamp unto my feet and their is a whole lot more that is going to happen. Silver and gold might have some usefulness for the first six months but once they go to a digital currency they will likely make it illegal to have silver and gold. That is what the Bible says, people will cast their silver and gold into the streets.
Nope, a can of sardines will be worth 10x what it costs now in the coming famine. Any canned good would be extremely valuable. Once again this is simply a stop gap measure, they will make Christians flee as they hunt them down. How much canned goods can you carry?
A vision for 2025
I will do the best to put these events into chronological order, but I cannot be sure of the timing though I do believe these things will take place in 2025. This is based primarily on Bible prophecies mixed with some prophetic dreams and visions from Dumitri Duduman, Henry Gruber, Ken Peters and Vicky Goforth Parnell.
- Putin will drop a nuclear bomb on Kiev.
- Taiwan will be surrounded and we’ll think China is invading Taiwan.
- After the bomb in Kiev ten suitcase nukes will go off in the US, major cities (for the most part the coastal cities). It will include the poseidon nuclear torpedos that cause 500 foot radioactive tsunamis to hit the coastlines of the US and also the power grid in the US to collapse. I expect 60 million to be killed in this attack.
- This event will coincide with the rapture. The rapture will be accompanied by a great earthquake which will split the US in half from the Great lakes and down the Mississippi river.
- As a result of this the US dollar and stock market will collapse. This will send the entire world’s economy into convulsive shock. The world will switch to BRICS as a stop gap measure.
- Meanwhile all the ports in the US will be destroyed by the tsunamis and so the giant tankers and cargo ships will not be able to deliver the goods and so the economic catastrophe will be worldwide.
- The earthquake should follow immediately after the US agrees to split Israel. A peace plan they are currently floating and one that Trump would likely not agree to.
- These events will be immediately followed by three days of darkness where demons and fallen angels walk the streets of the earth like a horror movie right outside your window. People will die from heart attacks at this time. World leaders and government leaders will be hiding in their underground bunkers at this time. Everyone knows that this is the great day of the wrath of the lamb because they saw the rapture and they were left behind.
- Following this people will pour out their wrath on the apostasy. Half of the churches, primarily the Roman Catholic Churches will be burned with fire and the priests and bishops killed. The other half, the denominational churches will be scattered to flee into the wilderness. From this point on Christians will meet in homes, just like the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus, and they will feel the shame that Peter did after denying the Lord three times.
- About two weeks after the rapture the airwaves will be filled with a message from a charismatic leader who is now the world leader thanks to the Pact for the Future (in case you missed it the nations have agreed to hand over power to the UN in the event of a worldwide crisis). He will have a “plan of salvation” which will include a digital currency and the hunting down of the Christians who are now the scapegoat for all the evil that has taken place. Everyone will know that those raptured were Christians because they were very public with their witness of the Lord. They were not “secret agents” but witnesses.
- At this time there will be a great revival and during the next few years as the persecution of Christians intensifying (rounding them up to get the mark of the Beast while at the same time beheading those who refuse) you will also see the marvelous testimony to the whole world. Jesus will not be leaving anyone alone, not only will Jesus be here but so will the 144,000, an army of evangelists who have been raised to the heavens and return to stand with those left behind.
- Everything changes in the beginning of June. Just like the vaccine at first was optional and then it was mandated. In the same way in June the honeymoon with the Antichrist is over and He becomes the evil dictator we all know he can be.
- During this time from the rapture to June you will see a few awesome signs from the book of Exodus. Water will be turned to blood, and you will not be able to drink it. But for those who have received Jesus and washed themselves in the blood of the lamb they will be able to drink pure water. Think of this water as a thermometer telling you the health and status of your salvation.
- Also this stuff they have been spraying over everyone, basically nano particles to do the same thing that the vaccine and boosters does, only less effective, this will cause boils to erupt on people’s skin. Again, if you are covered in the blood and put your full faith and trust in Jesus to protect you then you will be fine. These two signs will help the gospel message really go throughout the world as people can be miraculously healed by simply confessing their sins and receiving the Lord’s blood and salvation.
- After June they will be hunting down Christians using drones, robot dogs, cyborgs and Nephilim. They have quarantine centers in all 50 states where you will be given the option to receive the mark or else get beheaded. This is an offer you cannot refuse, being beheaded as a testimony of your faith in Jesus is a one way ticket to where the tribulation saints stand on the sea of fire. You will be like Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego being tossed into the furnace of fire because of their testimony for the Lord.
There is more that happens than simply the rapture of a few Christians.
I estimate it to be one sixth of genuine Christians and that genuine Christians make up about half of those who identify as Chrisitians. That might be 200 million people worldwide, though that still seems to be a very high estimate. So yes, you remove 200 million people that will have an impact on companies they work at, loans and mortgages that they have, etc. But that impact will be small compared to the other events that take place at the same time.
Samson pushing out the pillars is a type of the rapture. The pillars are the raptured saints. The temple that collapsed is the US as the Great Babylon. The single biggest economy in the world collapses in one day like a great millstone being cast into the ocean. The collapse of our stock markets would be a collapse of approximately $29 trillion. Wiped out in an hour.
At the same time shipping companies will go bust and insurance companies will go bust as well as all the banking in the US.
The financial loss in one hour from the coming catastrophe to the US would be 1,000x more than we lost on 9/11 and 20x more than we lost in the Mortgage meltdown of 2008. The problem is we will have both problems at once. The physical damage to ten major cities where no one will want to live there, the damage from radioactive Tsunamis hitting the entire coastline of the US, and an earthquake which will destroy bridges spanning the Mississippi river.
We had 3,000 die on 9/11, on this event I anticipate 60 million dying, that is 20,000x as many people.
11% of the world's Christians live in the US, so if 11% of the 200 million are from the US you are talking about 20 million raptured in the US and 60 million killed. That is one third of the US population gone, in one day. Two thirds of the US population lives within five miles of the coast. So if after this event we have 240 million people left alive, 160 million of them will be homeless and jobless refugees.
The horror of what is about to happen in the US is truly staggering.
The Bible talks about God scattering the carcasses of those who were faithless on the ground and talks about cannibalism.