having actually home schooled my children (yes, in spite of my apparent inability to capitalize), i can attest to its efficacy in educating kids. i grant there are parents who ought not be doing this work, but in my limited experience with dozens of other home school families, i've found it superior to government school education. the children can cover the basics of the curriculum in a third the time it takes in government schools, and then there is time for delight directed study.... their choice.
i've also found a bias against home schooling in people who have been trained as teachers. we did have in our group of families a teacher with a Master's degree in it who also agreed. opinions vary, it seems, but by and large, teachers are teachers because they believe in what they're doing, and sadly, have been inculcated to look down on other education methods, and think their way superior. i suppose this is natural.
if anyone would like to interview these now adult children, you will be speaking to engineers, doctors, veterinarians, nurses, librarians, CPAs, fraud analysts, and the list goes on. good luck keeping up with them. lol