What I know.. am old enough to watch Nixon and up to now. What I know and searching and what has been said as of late. With Nixon they took 14plus months and had first hand witnesses and there was a crime. Clinton took a few years and had first hand witnesses and a crime. And both had Dem and Rep vote to impeach.
So with president Trump there is no crimes. No.. we can ask anyone in law enforcement that know the constatution what LAWS, Federal laws? There are none. And there are no first hand witnesses. And took the Dems 12 weeks. This is not hard to see whats going on. Like Trump or not matters not. What we saw happen that has never happen in our history is only ONE side voted to impeach for no crimes. Again there were FEDERAL crimes Nixon did and Clinton. And the other president before them. We saw 1 count 2 dems and all rep voted no. 2nd count 3 dems and every rep voted no. We watched in Oct? Where 2 dems and every rep voted NO to a hearing.
I learn today that some dems and others talked impeachment Apr 2016. I know about Dec the bill they wanted to come up with to impeach Trump 2016. To learn the dems voted 7 times to impeach. To list two of them. One was for .. get this.. no lie. How he treated the press. The other was how he treated the Athletes.
Again like Trump or not. ONE side should NEVER try to impeach. I know Rep and Dems flip flop. But to watch Maxine Waters talk how she always wants to impeach Trump. To watch her say about Clinton "we should let the voters decide." Nancy and Nadler said as much and how one side should never vote to impeach. Like the Rep were channeling the past Dems.
For me.. no matter who sits in the office and if I like them or not. ONE SIDE never gets the right to impeach. And now.. no crimes. Trump can leave office tomorrow and NO ONE can file any charges. He has no crimes against him. To not turn over things Congress wants and be it impeachment.. he has every right to say..lets take this to court. The dems said no to that.
You know.. to hear Adam Schiff say if Trump asserts his constitutional right that proves he guilty. Yeah.. try to understand that lol
I believe God is in control.. And I know God is not done yet