Do not buy into Hollywood's phony depiction of Satan and the Antichrist.
The Antichrist is not a competitor with Jesus. Satan is not a competitor with Jesus. God created all things through the word of God, everything was made by God, through God and for God.
AntiChrist and Satan do an important job. Think of how we refine silver or how we do gold plating or how we separate out garbage at a recycling plant.
We have something that attracts the item we want, silver is heavier than the impurities so once melted in the fire it will sink to the bottom and you can scoop off the impurities. Using electricity we can attract certain metals and pull them out of a solution. Likewise they use magnets to pull out all the iron at a recycling plant.
God is refining His believers. He uses Satan to turn up the fire, He also uses Satan and the AntiChrist to attract all those that are not believers. Jesus said He would send out His angels to gather all the tares into bundles and all the wheat into His barn. Same concept. Even the fallen angels do God's will. All things work together for good to those that love God.
How about the unrighteous judge? He is like a universal weight machine to help the believers build up their prayer life.
If you are sealed with the Holy Spirit you have nothing to fear from Satan or the AntiChrist or any demon or fallen angel.