TRUE World Scenario - we will mix two parts and see what happens.
Group A - Sheeple that believe what they are told from Media, Hollywood, Pharma, Government, Institutions
Group B - People created in the Image of God that put to use their brain and conscience to analyze, reason and decide truth is better then bullsheet lies.
Result - All hell brakes loose because Group A has control over previous said functions and wants to inject, incarcerate and kill Group B
End Result - Group A kills many in Group B but then suddenly Group C shows up and slaughters Group A
Group C - Christs Return with Resurrection Power and His Holy Angels to establish Rule with Peace and Justice and They Live for EVER.
Group A - Sheeple that believe what they are told from Media, Hollywood, Pharma, Government, Institutions
Group B - People created in the Image of God that put to use their brain and conscience to analyze, reason and decide truth is better then bullsheet lies.
Result - All hell brakes loose because Group A has control over previous said functions and wants to inject, incarcerate and kill Group B
End Result - Group A kills many in Group B but then suddenly Group C shows up and slaughters Group A
Group C - Christs Return with Resurrection Power and His Holy Angels to establish Rule with Peace and Justice and They Live for EVER.
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