Are they really refusing? I'm trying to find info about it and all I've found is there was some confusion and they thought they were exempt but they really aren't.
Hi Genipher
I posted the following in another thread here. My husband had read this last night online and I looked it up this am. Just click the title for the site

seems the article may have changed some since I posted what is below. even the title of the article is different
should be interesting
you simply cannot believe anything coming out of the WH these days
USPS exempt from Biden vax mandate for federal workers
Neither snow, nor rain … nor presidential proclamation.
President Biden on Thursday mandated COVID-19 vaccines for almost all federal workers, but the more than 600,000 letter carriers and administrative staff of the US Postal Service won’t have to get a shot.
The exemption was first reported by Washington Post postal reporter Jacob Bogage, who reported that a White House official told him that “we strongly encourage them to comply with these standards” anyhow.
Biden on Thursday also announced a new Labor Department policy requiring workers at private companies with 100 or more employees to get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. The USPS exemption was initially believed to allow postal workers to duck the private-sector mandate, too.
More than 600,000 US Postal Service employees won’t be forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
But nearly four hours after that understanding was reported, the White House issued a clarification saying that postal workers will have a choice between getting vaccinated and getting tested once a week, just like workers at large companies
. well they had to come back with something
“USPS is not included in the executive order requiring vaccination of Federal employees. USPS has a separate statutory scheme and is traditionally independent of federal personnel actions like this,” a Biden administration official said.
He added: “That said, USPS is strongly encouraged to comply. Also, [the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration] will cover USPS through the [emergency temporary standards], meaning that postal workers will be subject to the vaccination or testing policy announced today.”