The Bible talks about high inflation and famine in the last days. I'm wondering if they'll grow meat as a cheap solution? Ugh, I'd rather starve if that's the case....
I think they are trying to get us used to accepting their plans. Then they implement the problem. The solution will be what Adolf and B. Gates called, "The final solution."
I think the Devil is using China, Major Corporations and Billionaires to buy up the farmland right now. According to their statements and actions, they are demonizing the consumption of meats, fish and fertilizers. For instance, top social engineers promoted and popularized the vegan movement in the west. Then they demonized carbon in countries like ours. They did likewise with Nitrogen in large nitrogen producing countries. Then they control gts to drastically reduce agriculture of all kinds in Europe. Additionally, the food production plants in America are being attacked by arson as a form of literal warfare. The promotion of fake meats and grooming of children for insect consumption are all carefully manipulated, highly funded military actions by the army of Satan. The people are minions who carry out their commands.
I used to believe that the prohibitions of eating meats and marriage applied only to a handful of religions. Now I have a new perspective. The prohibitions are likely to be implemented at the time of their "Great Reset" (New World Order) attack upon the world. Perhaps this will be the famine the demons will attempt in their major battles to destroy God's creation in part, enslave humanity and murder believers.
The restrictions upon CO2 and methane can easily shut down nearly all farming in first world countries, except that which the major corporations own. They've already succeeded in accomplishing just that for the most part.
Industrial fake meat and insect production are the new "virtues."
"Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:. For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."
I Timothy 4
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