Yes I believe he Is guilty.
A few quick notes on this news video:
A.) If you watch the entire clip, by CBS, a left-leaning organization, you'll find they admit:
1.) The DOJ seem to be charging him over a particular document they don't have, and therefore can't rationally make any claims about.
2.) Classified documents are supposed to be handled in a very secure manner (which we know, as matter of public record, both Biden and Obama have NOT done, and yet THEY aren't aren't being prosecuted... which makes the whole thing look like politically motivated nonsense.)
3.) They admit, "It doesn't look like there's a big breach here."
B.) Further Information:
1.) There is no verification Trump was actually holding or displaying any particular document while talking, and the entire conversation could be taken to mean many different things, none of which can be verified by the audio. (The context of the audio is entirely unknown.)
2.) The DOJ was using illegally leaked information, and doing the very thing they were accusing Trump of: The DOJ was trying to accuse Trump of sharing info with a reporter, while the DOJ was actually sharing the SAME INFO with CNN. Very odd.
(Every aspect of this seems to reflect a double standard, and a two-tiered system of justice, not to mention a lot of good old fashioned lies.)
C.) I'd feel a lot better about all of this if Biden, Obama, and others were all prosecuted equally for the same offenses. But a former president possessing documents, or merely talking about them, only seems to be a crime if you're a Republican who makes mean tweets.
Sorry, but it's all just very odd.
There are plenty of things wrong with Trump, but when you do the same things as your political opponents, quite normal things, except you get charged with a billion felonies while they laugh about it to the press... just seems a bit odd.