Trump was off the cuff but McCain played him false with Obamacare. I would have been mad at him too. I just would have gone about it a different way.
He could have handled McCain differently. However, McCain made no bones about having no respect for Trump.
I think largely because his good friend GWB43 didn't care for Trump.
Another reason McCain didn't like Trump is maybe because Trump brought up what many may have forgotten.
McCain gave vital intelligence information to our enemies in Vietnam while he was in their custody as a POW. Many lives were lost because of this.
I don't recall Trump saying this but McCain, back in America as a law maker, insured vital information about POW's and MIA's left behind in Vietnam was hidden under the shield of, ''classified''.
McCain exploited his POW status when campaigning to stay in office, seemingly a champion for veterans, but he was not. And the MSM for some reason never exposed these dark truths.
Trump no doubt knew all this. Which could be why he made the seeming off colored remark about liking soldiers who don't get captured.
As in,because they don't give secrets to the enemy,or cover up vital information about other POW's as a law maker once safely home and able to do so.