It's been ordained by God. Get out of Amil junk and you'll see it.
No need for modern day prophets. Plenty of OT prophets from God say the land is Israel's.
Get out of Amil junk and you'll see it.
No need to address it. Human Beings are fallen and Broken. They do all matter of evil.
But what man intended for evil, God can and does use for good.
For instance, the complete defeat of the demon worshipping, human sacrificing "Native Americans", by
Europeans that brought them death, but also the Gospel. How many are eternally saved because of those God used to utterly defeat them?
No need to apologize for your error. The Bible absolutely ordains a regathering of the Jews, in the Holy Land. Please believe Scripture. And get out of Amil junk.
No need for modern day prophets. Plenty of OT prophets from God say the land is Israel's.
Get out of Amil junk and you'll see it.
No need to address it. Human Beings are fallen and Broken. They do all matter of evil.
But what man intended for evil, God can and does use for good.
For instance, the complete defeat of the demon worshipping, human sacrificing "Native Americans", by
Europeans that brought them death, but also the Gospel. How many are eternally saved because of those God used to utterly defeat them?
No need to apologize for your error. The Bible absolutely ordains a regathering of the Jews, in the Holy Land. Please believe Scripture. And get out of Amil junk.
That is what Hagee teaches.
What a sad day for Christianity, what a perversion of scripture.
The Jews of the OT were protected to bring forth the Messiah ... they completed what God needed them to do, start living in the NT.
The call is to make disciples of the world not to support ethnic cleansing and genocide for dirt, in utter opposition to the commandments of Jesus.
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