Are you suggesting the banks operate as non-profits? And the interest charged banks by the Fed helps pay for the Fed's operation, so there is no government money spent on a quasi-public entity that wasn't supposed to be tax-supported.
You benefit from it, among others. If the bank is able to make money on offering loans, small businesses are able to acquire operating capital and start-up costs through loans providing them money they otherwise would have no access to, and only giant corporations would be in business. But the giant corporations all began as someone's start-up, too, didn't they?
if i benefit then please explain why the gap between the masses and the few is so big? and why has it grown so fast in the last 20 years? im the last 20 years we had more banking regulation cut than ever before
I'm not sure I can give you a crash course in free enterprise on a message board. I've already answered that question as best I can without posting a textbook with my first two responses here.
do you really need a textbook to look out the window and see the economy is terrible? but its not bad for the rich, they are making fortunes!
That isn't how it worked at all, before the Fed. Before the Fed came into being, we had the First Bank of the United States, in existence from 1791 to 1811, and the Second Bank of the U.S., from 1817-1837. Both had 20-year charters. Both were initially funded by a purchase of 20% of the stock by the U.S. government. But the remaining 80% of the stock of both banks was up for grabs, giving the wealthiest investors in the country control of the U.S. banking system. Ironically, that's exactly what people accuse the Fed of being today, and it simply is not so.
That's a myth perpetuated by the conspiracy theorists who don't even bother to look into the history of the banking system in the U.S., and make stuff up when they can't figure out any other way to disparage the system.
so if a conspiracy theorist said the world was round you wouldnt believe it? the truth is exactly that no matter who says it. i read about the history of banking, i remember a story about jeckell island.
Also a myth, for the same reasons.
the roman empire was never corrupt?
Nope, they weren't bankers. They were crooked businessmen who robbed from the poor Temple goers by claiming to "judge" the quality of their sacrifice. Of course they always found it wanting, and sold them a "flawless" sacrifice" in exchange for their animal and cash. Sometime soon thereafter, they resold that same animal to another unsuspecting Temple goer. Jesus, in fact, endorsed the ancient banks of that time in His Parable of the Talents. Go read that to see what I'm talking about.
money changers were bankers in those days. there was no citi bank in 15 AD. so the Son of the Almighty blessed the banks? so the most righteous people must be on wall street?
My bank is working in my best interest. They've proven that time and time again, and they work within the system you obviously want torn down. We've tried other systems. They did not work at all. So if you wish to cling to your conspiracy theories, Jay, I won't try to talk you out of them, but I'd urge you to actually learn about the system you hate before you make wild claims that you can't support. No offense, brother, but that is exactly what you're doing. God bless.
simple logic is far from wild claims.
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