While I'm against abortion except for extreme situations, I don't think reversing Roe v Wade is going to be effective in reducing abortions/deaths. The Prohibition didn't work; there was a lot of underground activity and an increase in crime. Gun control doesn't work in this country. Similarly, there is going to be a lot of underground activity with abortions. A lot doctors will continue to perform abortions, will they go to prison? Or, the women may end up going to Canada or Europe. A lot of women will probably die from illegal abortions, especially poor women who cannot afford to go to Canada or Europe.
One thing I do know, killing the innocent unborn (Abortion) can't be condoned and allowed
The liberals have been pushing for euthanasia for years, next it will be close all elderly nursing homes and kill everybody 65+, no more social security needed or added medical cost
I know it sounds morbid and sick, but that's where the leftist commie liberals are heading.
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