A business owner was able to catch two thieves and hold them at gun point until the police arrived.-Florida
Business Owner Holds Burglars At Gunpoint Till Police Arrive
Two men kicked in the door of a home, and the homeowner was able to defend himself by firing his gun. One of the intruders was shot in the leg. - Kentucky
Lexington homeowner shoots teen intruder
A 76-year-old homeowner was attacked by an armed 25-year-old intruder. The homeowner fatally shot the intruder in self defense. Authorities ruled it justified self defense. South Carolina
Homeowner who fatally shot robbery suspect will not be charged - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina |
A father fatally shot an intruder who pounded on his door then lunged at him. The father had three children inside who were protected due to their dad's action. Police did not file charges on the father. Washington
Alleged Pasco Home Invasion Turns Deadly
Surveillance tapes show a man shot someone in self defense at Walmart. Arizona
Police: Arizona Walmart shooting was self-defense - PostBulletin.com: Nation
Business Owner Holds Burglars At Gunpoint Till Police Arrive
Two men kicked in the door of a home, and the homeowner was able to defend himself by firing his gun. One of the intruders was shot in the leg. - Kentucky
Lexington homeowner shoots teen intruder
A 76-year-old homeowner was attacked by an armed 25-year-old intruder. The homeowner fatally shot the intruder in self defense. Authorities ruled it justified self defense. South Carolina
Homeowner who fatally shot robbery suspect will not be charged - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina |
A father fatally shot an intruder who pounded on his door then lunged at him. The father had three children inside who were protected due to their dad's action. Police did not file charges on the father. Washington
Alleged Pasco Home Invasion Turns Deadly
Surveillance tapes show a man shot someone in self defense at Walmart. Arizona
Police: Arizona Walmart shooting was self-defense - PostBulletin.com: Nation