Veterans affairs
- Signed the VA Accountability Act and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
- Delivered more appeals decisions – 81,000 – to veterans in a single year than ever before.
- Strengthened protections for individuals who come forward and identify programs occurring within the VA.
- Signed legislation that provided $86.5 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the largest dollar amount in history for the VA.
- VA MISSION Act, enacting sweeping reform to the VA system that:
- Consolidated and strengthened VA community care programs.
- Funding for the Veterans Choice program.
- Expanded eligibility for the Family Caregivers Program.
- Gave veterans more access to walk-in care.
- Strengthened the VA’s ability to recruit and retain quality healthcare professionals.
- Enabled the VA to modernize its assets and infrastructure.
- Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act in 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in addition funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
- Worked to shift veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Department of Defense, a decades old priority.
- Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
- Increased transparency and accountability at the VA by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with access to wait time and quality of care data.
- Signed legislation to modernize the claims and appeal process at the VA.
- Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, providing enhanced educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their family members.
- Lifted a 15-year limit on veterans’ access to their educational benefits.
- Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.
- VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.
- Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans.
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