Because many black people also don't know who they are, or think they do but wouldn't agree if they knew what they actually stand for. Many say black lives matter and aren't thinking about a movement or an org.
Don't know about other orgs. but this one is evil, and it has an agenda.
Not lashing out at the community. BLM has nothing to do with them. I don't condemn them, but I do condemn the BLM movement. They would too if they knew the truth.
No, BLM has the answers on their site. People have quoted them all over this site. In their own words.
None of which has anything to do with BLM and their agenda. I can't fathom what it would be like to survive the Holocaust either. But if I see and org. I believe is doing Jews harm I'm going to tell them about it. I don't have to be Jewish to warn them.
Yes, there will always be racist people in the world,only God can change a heart. Oddly enough you and I now have an odd connection. I'm from Nova Scotia, where the French were rounded up by the Brits and shipped to "the Bayou" and other places. That's why we have want is called "Cajuns" today. There is a small church in Nova Scotia in a place called Grand Pre. There is a statue, Evangeline, in honor of the poet Longfellows poem about the expulsion of the French called Acadians, which became Cajuns of today. The poem talks about two young lovers who were separated in the expulsion and were old when they find each other again. So one side of the Evangeline statue, her face is young, on the other side she is an old woman. We learn a lot from history, at least hopefully we do. Racist is wrong, but as a Christian it's even worse to say you are a believer but are also racist. I don't believe you can be both, personally.
I'm sorry you're heard that. There has been racism since Christs time and before. Nothing but a change of heart will change it.